Deep Listening


Thank you for all of the support and words of encouragement many of you sent after I announced the upcoming publication of my new book, Drop In: Lead with Deeper Presence and Courage. Last month I previewed some of the new content by offering the Tenets of Presence and this month I'm sharing one of the most valuable expression of presence I offer in Drop In and that is deep listening. Deep listening means you listen with your whole being including your head, heart and body. Deep listening is more of an art than a science. There are three art forms I offer in Drop In that supports deep listening - both to yourself and others. Here's a preview:The Art of Non-DoingNon-doing doesn't mean you are just quiet, still and not taking action; rather, it means that you are not contriving or manufacturing action where it's not needed. Could you simply "be" with yourself or others and allow the information to reveal itself without trying or working at it in any way?The Art of Non-KnowingThe art of non-knowing is about not making judgements regarding what is happening. This can be tough because our analytical minds are wired to asses, sort, and otherwise judge our experience. But what might happen if we engage in an experience without thinking we know what is best or right?The Art of Non-Attachment When we get attached to an outcome or desire, it immediately clouds our clarity and judgement. We leave the presence and are unable to see what is actually happening with clarity. Instead we look for what we want and can unconsciously manipulate the situation.These art forms, when offered to yourself and others, can (and often do!) radically shift the trajectory of a conversation or outcome. I invite you to experiment with any of these art forms and listen more deeply to yourself or someone important to you. You may be pleasantly surprised at how a little art can transform your experience.Tools for Deep ListeningThe single best way you can be a better listener is to first listen to yourself. I have created two new guided audio exercises to help you drop in and listen to yourself in deeper ways. One is called, Stop and Drop In and it's only 4 minutes. The other is a Body Scan and is about 10 minutes. If you want to learn to deepen your presence and listening, these exercises will defintely help!

Mark Your Calendar

Drop In: Lead with Deeper Presence and Courage will be available wherever books are sold on Tuesday, October 4th. Also, I will be doing a few book readings and I'd love to see you there!Tues, 10/25, 7pm - Book Reading at Ravenna Third Place Books in Seattle, WA. 7pmThurs. 11/17, 7pm - Book Reading at Books, Inc (Marina location) in San Francisco, CA.

Resources for You

The Whole Leader Podcast is now on iTunes! Search under "The Whole Leader" and you can download or stream the shows. I also have a great fall line up, so keep coming back to see what's new!In addition to my blog, I have a new resource center on my website that offers recommendations for audio programs, books and articles designed to deepen your awareness and presence.